Sunday, March 15, 2015

About the book : a presentation

«Nature is wild and eagles and wolves will never be lovers. But certainly Poetry can overcome every obstacle and translates our dreams, desires, passions.. in images that evoke even a new, different Universe.» (Fabrizio Frosini)

«It fulfills the very nature of poetry that we 7 poets publish our poems in a common anthology and witness how these diverse poems reflect each other, relate to each other, amplify each other.»
(Daniel J. Brick)


"At The Crossing Of Seven Winds" published by Fabrizio Frosini at Smashwords, is an Anthology of Poetry with 72 poems from 7 Authors from different parts of the world.

As Fabrizio Frosini put it: 
«When I first proposed my idea for an e-book to my Minnesotan friend Daniel Brick, we decided together to open it to other "voices of poetry" from different parts of our troubled world.  Maybe we put it a bit too emphatically, like "voices of poetry conveying the joy of creativity", to point out the real issues of human passions mediated through poetry.  Yet, Poetry is a sum of hope and despair.  It is a sum of wishes, hopes, dreams, inspirations, wanderings on the wings of Imagination.  It is a long flight our hearts and minds took, revisiting reality, memories, expectations.  Life itself is revisited through the multicolored glasses of poetry.  Everyone who reads our poetry enters our own Universe –even if for a while.  Through Poetry, we - the all of us who write and read its lines - are in touch


The 7 Authors in alphabetical order:

Leah Ayliffe (Toronto, Canada): 
Born in 1991, I have my BA degree in English Literature. Yet to me words are power. They can be cinematic, sonic, beautiful, ugly, simple and complex - pushing limits in endless ways. Words can be dangerous and liberating. I write because I feel I have to. There is a chaos stirring inside myself that only acts of creativity can fix- if only temporarily.

Daniel J. Brick (Saint Paul, MN, USA): 
I was born in the Twin Cities in 1947 and lived my whole life here. This is where I am rooted, near the Mississippi River, in a landscape of four seasons with many trees and parks and lakes. These are the natural things I treasure. Poetry and classical music are my passions.

Fabrizio Frosini (Florence, Italy): 
Born in Tuscany, I live close to Florence and to Vinci, Leonardo's hometown. Doctor in Medicine, specialized in Neurosurgery, with an ancient passion for Poetry. Author of c. 1200 poems, in 13 collections. Among them: «The Chinese gardens - English Poems», soon to be published.

Diane Hine (Perth, Australia): 
I live in Perth, Western Australia, a very peaceful yet isolated city set on the banks of the Swan River. I’m very happily married with four lovely children and two gorgeous grandsons. I work as a laboratory assistant in a large orthodontic practice.

Galina Italyanskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russia): 
Born in Ukhta, a small northern town surrounded by forests, I grew up there between civilization and wilderness. From the early childhood my curiosity about everything in the world has no limits. I love nature, science and art, music and literature, travels and discoveries, and of course I love my children.

Mallika Menon (Trivandrum, India): 
I hail from Kerala, on India’s southern tip. Lover of music and literature, I sing songs and poems. I offer collection of poems in mother tongue Malayalam as well as English. Simple emotions, gentle feelings and shades of empathy reflect in my poetry. I like reading philosophy. I’m travel-savvy, keen to explore cultures and cuisines world-over.

Abby Sze (Hong Kong): 
Born in China in 1990. Moved to Hong Kong when I was 10. Used to murmur “Our Father” at early age, but now whisper “Invictus”, by William Ernest Henley, during times of fear. First poem written is “3480”.

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